Category: CD-DVD
Tags: Contrabbasso, drums, Ezio Bosso, Gustavo Beytelmann, Luis Agudo, percussions, Piano, Piazzolla, tango
Sentido Unico/Sens Unique
by: Ezio Bosso, Gustavo Beytelmann,The Piazzolla’s works in Paris 1954/1955
Format: CD
EZIO BOSSO double bass
LUIS AGUDO drums and percussions
1. Lo que vendrà (8:28)
2. Rio Sena (5:46)
3. Contrastes (5:34)
4. Imperial (6:15)
5. Maron y azul (7:02)
6. S.V.P. s’il vous plait (6:42)
7. Oblivion (5:14)
8. Sentido Unico (8:44)
9. Chau Paris! (6:02)
live recorded in Italy, december 2001
This album is available on the main streaming and downloading platforms. Click here.
7,00€ inc VAT
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Tags: Contrabbasso, drums, Ezio Bosso, Gustavo Beytelmann, Luis Agudo, percussions, Piano, Piazzolla, tango
Meet the Artist
Ezio si avvicina alla musica all'età di quattro anni, grazie a una prozia pianista e al fratello musicista. A 16 anni esordisce già come solista in Francia e incomincia a girare le orchestre di mezza Europa, ma è l'incontro con il maestro Ludwig Streicher che segna la svolta della sua carriera artistica, indirizzandolo a studiare Composizione e Direzione d'Orchestra all'Accademia di Vienna.
Nel 2011, in seguito ad un intervento dovuto all'asportazione di una neoplasia, è stato colpito da una sindrome neurodegenerativa che però non gli impedisce di continuare a suonare e dirigere. Dalla primavera del 2017 Ezio Bosso è testimone e ambasciatore internazionale dell’Associazione Mozart14, eredità ufficiale dei principi sociali ed educativi del M° Claudio Abbado e portato avanti dalla figlia Alessandra.
Negli anni novanta partecipa a numerosi concerti sulla scena internazionale: Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre, Sydney Opera House, Palacio de Bella Artes di Città del Messico, Teatro Colòn di Buenos Aires, Carnegie Hall, Teatro Regio di Torino, Houston Symphony, Auditorium Parco della Musica di Roma, nei quali si è esibito sia come solista sia come direttore o in formazioni da camera.
Tiene corsi in Giappone e a Parigi, partecipando alla vita musicale della scena contemporanea di quegli anni con Gèrard Caussé, Pierre Yves Artaud, Laura Chislett. Ha diretto, tra le altre orchestre: London Symphony, London Strings, Orchestra del Teatro Regio di Torino, Filarmonica '900 e Orchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Orchestra del Teatro San Carlo di Napoli, Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana, orchestra da Camera di Mantova, Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna.
Dal 1º ottobre 2017, e sino al 31 luglio 2020, è stato nominato direttore stabile residente del Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste.
La sua musica è commissionata o utilizzata da importanti istituzioni operistiche mondiali come Wiener Staatsoper, Royal Opera House, New York City Ballet, Théâtre du Châtelet, San Francisco Ballet, Teatro Bolshoij di Mosca per citarne alcune, dai coreografi come Christopher Wheeldon, Edwaard Lliang o Rafael Bonchela, nel teatro da registi come James Thierrée, mentre nel cinema stringe un sodalizio con Gabriele Salvatores, per il quale firma le colonne sonore di Io non ho paura, Quo vadis, baby? e de Il ragazzo invisibile.
Vive dividendosi tra Londra, Bologna e Torino.
Nel 2013 nasce con il violoncellista Mario Brunello un'intensa collaborazione in duo pianoforte-violoncello e una profonda amicizia.
Nel 2014 ha esordito con la sua Fantasia per Violino e Orchestra alla testa di London Symphony Orchestra con Sergej Krilov al violino solista.
Il suo primo disco da solista, intitolato The 12th Room, esce il 30 ottobre 2015.
Ezio Bosso muore a Bologna il 15 maggio 2020.
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Meet the Artist
Gustavo Beytelmann was born in 1945 in Venado Tuerto, Argentina, into a music-loving family. He learnt to play the piano at a very early age, accompanying his father, a talented violinist, at family celebrations.
With 13, he joined the dance orchestra where his father played and soon acquired the skills of a professional player of Tango and other danceable music styles.
In the light of this experience he finally decided to dedicate his life to music.
In 1962, he studied piano, harmony and composition at the Institute of Music of the University of Rosario. Some years later, in Buenos Aires, he studied composition with Francisco Kröpfl and embarked on a busy professional career, writing music for the cinema, working as pianist and arranger for the record industry and performing with various jazz ensembles.
In 1976, he moved to Paris.
In March 1977, he was invited by Astor Piazzolla to participate in his European tour which began at the Olympia in Paris.
Some time later he formed, together with other Argentinian musicians 'Tiempo Argentino', a short-lived group, but an important phase in his development as a composer.
Subsequently he spent some time living in Rome, where he composed music for the Italian radio, TV and cinema. Back in Paris he set up, together with Juan José Mosalini and Patrice Caratini, a trio which was to perform for 12 years across Europe and the Americas. They recorded 3 albums, making a significant contribution to the evolution that Tango was undergoing in that period. At the same time, Gustavo was engaged in writing for the French and German cinema.
From 1993 onwards he intensified his work as a composer. He is the Composer in Residence in Dijon (1995/1998) and in Guebwiller (2002/2003).
His music is played regularly all over Europe.
Since 1996, he is artistic director of the Tango Department at the Conservatory in Rotterdam. In 2002 he was invited by the Universities of Seattle and Bellingham (USA) to hold masterclasses on his music.
In 2004 he participated in the Festival of Tango of Buenos Aires, giving a piano solo recital at the Teatro Colón.
Since the season 2005/2006 he has been conducting regular master classes at the Music Adademy of Monaco.
In August 2008 he is the Composer in Residence at the International Moritzburg Festival in Germany.
Gustavo Beytelmann was born in 1945 in Venado Tuerto, Argentina, into a music-loving family. He learnt to play the piano at a very early age, accompanying his father, a talented violinist, at family celebrations.
With 13, he joined the dance orchestra where his father played and soon acquired the skills of a professional player of Tango and other danceable music styles.
In the light of this experience he finally decided to dedicate his life to music.
In 1962, he studied piano, harmony and composition at the Institute of Music of the University of Rosario. Some years later, in Buenos Aires, he studied composition with Francisco Kröpfl and embarked on a busy professional career, writing music for the cinema, working as pianist and arranger for the record industry and performing with various jazz ensembles.
In 1976, he moved to Paris.
In March 1977, he was invited by Astor Piazzolla to participate in his European tour which began at the Olympia in Paris.
Some time later he formed, together with other Argentinian musicians 'Tiempo Argentino', a short-lived group, but an important phase in his development as a composer.
Subsequently he spent some time living in Rome, where he composed music for the Italian radio, TV and cinema. Back in Paris he set up, together with Juan José Mosalini and Patrice Caratini, a trio which was to perform for 12 years across Europe and the Americas. They recorded 3 albums, making a significant contribution to the evolution that Tango was undergoing in that period. At the same time, Gustavo was engaged in writing for the French and German cinema.
From 1993 onwards he intensified his work as a composer. He is the Composer in Residence in Dijon (1995/1998) and in Guebwiller (2002/2003).
His music is played regularly all over Europe.
Since 1996, he is artistic director of the Tango Department at the Conservatory in Rotterdam. In 2002 he was invited by the Universities of Seattle and Bellingham (USA) to hold masterclasses on his music.
In 2004 he participated in the Festival of Tango of Buenos Aires, giving a piano solo recital at the Teatro Colón.
Since the season 2005/2006 he has been conducting regular master classes at the Music Adademy of Monaco.
In August 2008 he is the Composer in Residence at the International Moritzburg Festival in Germany.
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Articolo aggiunto! Sfoglia la lista dei desideriL'articolo selezionato è già presente nella tua lista dei desideri! Sfoglia la lista dei desideri
Read moreArticolo aggiunto! Sfoglia la lista dei desideriL'articolo selezionato è già presente nella tua lista dei desideri! Sfoglia la lista dei desideri
Articolo aggiunto! Sfoglia la lista dei desideriL'articolo selezionato è già presente nella tua lista dei desideri! Sfoglia la lista dei desideriLive in Japan by: Alberto Bocini, Giovanni Radivo, Naomi Yanagawa, Anna Pegoretti, Massimiliano Murrali, 7,00€ inc VAT